Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Flash Foward

I know that at one point in time someone has be asked the question, "Where do you see your self in 10yrs?" And That would be where do I see my self at 30yrs of age.
Well damn. 30. 30. 30.
When you are a kid you can answer this question with ease. Every kid says they wanna be a lawyer or an astronaut or a doctor or police officer or fire fighter. Every one wanted to be in the service industry and play their part and act on their social responsibility as a human.
But today. A sunny day. I sit in my dining room in my apartment in Marietta, Ga and I wonder. What do I really want.
I want to have a family by the time I am 30. Married. Kids. A job. 3 years ago I wanted to be an Interior Designer. And now that I am in school for it, I realize that I DO want a life out side of work so I have to fall back on my FALL BACK. I want to be a elementary or preschool Art teacher. I love children and I want to have an impact on their lives so that is how I willl not only fufill my social responsibility but my need to continue with art. I love art!
Art is my life and to be with some one who is as into art as I am and isn't a dork. Oh man that would just be amazing!
Now lets look at 5 years from now.
Now a bunch of my friends just turned 25.
And at 25 that is supposed to be when you actually find your self and realize what you want in life. What you want in a life partner and what you want to be for your self. Not for others. There is a difference. The social responsibility is what you want to do for others. What you want for your self. Happiness. Love. Passion.
Now at 25 I see my self engaged. Possibly married. Out of college. Teaching. Doing what I love to do. No kids unless I'm married. And maybe a doggie... I love doggies! Now although this is very extreemely general, its not too big or too little of a goal.
Now lets look at one year.
Short term, 21. First and foremost I would love to find the strenghth and courage to say I love you again. To mean it again. Not saying i didn't mean it, but to be able to say that with every piece of me I love you. To have the butterflies again and to smile non stop.
I want my next boyfriend to take up all of my free time unless I'm doing something with my girls or with the fam. No I take that back about with my family. I want my next mate to meet my family and make friends with them. If I can accept him then I'm sure they will. I want to get into the school I really wanted to go to... MIAD! Hopefully I can not only get there but also find my husband there. I want to get out of target, and get a teachers aide position at any school. I want to travel to someplace outside of United states in this next year as well. I really want to go to Paris or Madrid. Both places would be wonderful. But I want to do this traveling with my boyfriend. So he has to be able to afford it too. Or save up like I am going to. I think my next note will have to be about what I want in a guy. It just wouldnt be right If I wrote about my future and not let you guys know what he would be like. =) Well that was my flash forward. Prob one of my more boring posts. Sorry if you feel that way. I promise to make up for it.

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