Monday, March 2, 2009

Friendships til the End?

So I'm sitting at the computer thinking about friendships. Friendships are supposed to last. Just like love. Have you ever hear the song that goes, "Friends, how many of us have them?..." Most of us have. And I have to say I had a dream that my old friend and I were friends again. And I mean this girl and I used to be tight! So tight. We were friends when i was 15 and 16 years old. For two whole years we were friends. We would walk to each others house and hang out. I remember her and I went to the mall and got matching outfits. We really were "best friends". Well i thought we were. We told each other everything, did eachothers hair and went over boys houses together, we would even fight for each other. Now how did this friendship end? Oh yea, I would call it bullshit because girls always do this. This guy really liked her and he didn't know how to tell her so he asked me to "hook" them up. We were teenagers so I tried to convince her that he was a nice guy and what not. Now this girl she was soo mean and picky. She hated people and didn't like making new friends. Everyone in school knew her as a bitch. And i was that bitches friend, right. Well anyways she told me to stay out of her business when it came to guys and I was just like, wait what? And yea that ended our friendship. She became the girl in our high school that no one liked and who liked nobody. Come to find out this girl actually went out with the same guy I was "hooking" her up with . The guy she claimed she didn't like. To me I don't even feel like I lost a friend in her because a true friend wouldn't let that slide. Let me tell you about a true friend. One of my best best friends in the whole wide world. My BFFITWWW (As one of my friends likes to say) She and I met working at Target in 2006. She actually trained me as a cashier. She was so friendly when I met her, always smiling. Once I started giving her rides home thats when our friendship evolved. We found out about each others backgrounds and were completely open with each other. One day I remember her asking me "How long do you think we will be friends?" And that day I answered her question with a question, "Why would you ask a question like that?" Now its 2009 and we are still friends who have each others back. If she needs anything I would break my back to do it and visa versa. And now that I think about her question I simply answer it with "Never." There is no one who could replace a friend like that. Everyone needs a best friend that they can depend on. Do you have a best friend?

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