Saturday, March 21, 2009


Now that thats out. . . One of my male friends texted me today saying that he was mad at me because I fell asleep last night. Ok so first if all, He actually thought that I was gonna make it up to him. Ha!!!
I laughed. I really laughed. Because why do guys think that they are the best thing since sliced bread. All that talk. ALL OF THAT TALK. So I look back at my many friendships and relationships with guys and I take note.... Hmmm only 4 guys actually did some thing for me, took me out to eat or to dinner, or just spent money on me because he cared about me.
Now to me this is sad because hmmmmm. . . I can actually say I was STUPID! Two guys had phones in my name.... One guy by the end of our relationship I had given him like 800 BUCKS... Then that negro had the NERVE TO ask ME to bail him out of jail! WHAT! I have bought Jordans, Fitted caps, dinners u name it! I have been brutally taken advantage of! And I'm done with that shit!
Where are my gifts? My flowers? My jewlery. Shit can I get a damn birthday card?
So back to my friend. You all know I had to let him know about his DUMB ASS response.
I told his ass "thank you" because he inspired me to put this out here for all of you ladies! You do not have to say yes to all these niggas! You should mean more to your self than they mean to you. They are totally DISPOSABLE..... Unless well hmm man I only had 2 guys that I never wanted to let go of and my friends think they were DISPOSABLE... soo I guess thats what that means.....
Wait I have to go off on a tangent and actually say.... There are guys that actually do want to give you the world and all the beautiful things u deserve... You just have to wait til he crosses paths with you. . . I had to end with a little bit of optimism....


  1. disposable?? mayb or mayb just not man enough to the beauty of a fine woman.. mayb not smart enough to no the compassions of her heart n the conflictions of her mind n soul. Disposable not stupid yes just not mature enough n there self to no woman was gods greatest gift to man.......(U No Me)

  2. Yes I believe the same thing. Alot of guys are just IDIOTS. But women can be too. But I will still say disposable because I mean hey some men belong in the TRASH!

  3. lol o ok then i can respect that some do or may belong there (u no me)
